Global Crew Medical Insurance®

Individual & family – Flexible long-term annually renewable plan for professional marine captains & crew members.

Ahoy, Captains and Crews! Set Sail with Confidence and Peace of Mind!

⚓️ Long-Term Coverage for Your Maritime Journey: Avast, sailors! Prepare for a lifetime of adventure with our long-term comprehensive worldwide medical insurance, custom-tailored for marine captains and crews. Whether you’re braving the high seas or exploring distant shores, we’ve got your back!

⚓️ Set Sail Year after Year: Don’t let your voyage come to an end! Our annually renewable medical coverage ensures your protection continues like the endless horizon. Keep navigating through life’s waters with ease.

⚓️ From Zero to Hero – Deductible Options: Ahoy, fearless mariners! Choose your deductible like you choose the perfect wave to ride. With options ranging from $0 to $25,000, you’re the captain of your own destiny!

⚓️ Maximum Limits that Reach for the Stars: Your health is our treasure! Our insurance offers maximum limits from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000, providing you with the finest protection that befits the fearless souls of the sea.

⚓️ Smooth Sailing with Premium Modes: Chart your own course with premium modes! You can schedule the frequency of payment that suits your needs, keeping your financial seas calm and steady.

⚓️ Set Sail with Peace of Mind: When the wind is in your sails and the horizon calls, let our comprehensive worldwide medical insurance be your guiding star. With us on your side, you can sail through life’s adventures with confidence and peace of mind.

Cast off the anchor of worries and hoist the sails of security! Get your maritime crew protected with our long-term comprehensive medical insurance. Don’t wait, matey! Contact us now and embark on an exciting journey with unrivaled peace of mind!